This page will have links to school & community organisations engaged in sustainable projects to improve our environment.
This page will be properly edited soon. Meanwhile, here are some useful sites:
Nine things You can Do about Climate Change: Aimed more at adults than school students, but good all-round advice from the Grantham Institute!
Let's Go Zero: Campaign to get schools to become Carbon-neutral by 2030, inviting pupils, teachers and school management to join up and find ways to move toward this urgent goal.
Count us In: A celebrity-backed alliance seeking to unite individuals in considering Climate Change as an important part of our everyday lives.
Force of Nature: Organisation specifically aimed at the "Climate Generation", whose mission (paraphrased) is to change (their) perception from Disillusion to Empowerment.
Youth Climate Action Network: is a program of Education, Action and Innovation designed by students to inspire, support, empower & recognise youth action in the fight to mitigate climate change. The website has sections on Climate Information, News, Innovation and Awards
Transform our World (UK Schools Sustainability Network): Organisation aiming to empower students to bring about action on climate through local & regional networks.
Global Action Plan: charity aiming to mobilise people and organisations to take action on the systems that harm us and our planet - e.g. in supporting "Ella's Law" to reduce pollution.
Teach the Future: Student-led organisation seeking to improve the quality of Climate Education in UK schools by increasing understanding of the causes of and solutions to climate issues.
Climate Optimist: "We must, we can and we will solve climate change. It’s that simple... Because the climate change challenge is so great and its consequences are so serious. Which makes optimism essential. Because hope beats fear. It’s the attitude that inspires progress". Take a look!
The National Education Nature Park & Climate Award Scheme: - partnership between the Natural History Museum, Royal Society, Royal Horticultual Society, National Biodiversity Network, Learning through Landscapes and others, whose primary aim is to involve school students of all ages around the country to work with partners "to make sure every young person in England has opportunities to develop a meaningful connection to nature, understand the concepts of climate change and biodiversity loss and feels able to do something about it." Help will be available e.g. to improve green spaces & biodiversity in schools.
The Carbon Trust: Organisation which helps businesses, schools and other organisations to invest in measures to reduce their carbon footprints. They can help prioritise, and provide funding towards, actions that reduce emissions and hence costs, with a typical 4-year payback.